Worship with Us This Sunday
Click here to join us this Sunday by Zoom at 10:30 AM for a wonderful worship service. We are delighted to have our good friend, Dennis Turner, serve as our guest organist and pianist. We will hear a moving poem, “The Journey” from Nikki Giovani. Rev. Sam will share a message about how Independence Day should be a day of reflection. How are we, as individuals and as a nation, living out our faith and our values? We will also be celebrating communion and invite you to prepare a table at home, with bread and cup.
Due to the holiday weekend and our church regathering guidelines, only liturgists will be in the sanctuary with Rev. Sam and Dennis. We are grateful to Tom Sowers, our sound design expert, and Allison Truhlar, our zoom moderator.
Following worship, please join us for our Zoom coffee hour, a time of fellowship with one another. The optional question will be: If we were to change our National Anthem, what song would you choose and why?
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