Life at First Church
See our full calendar of events below. To view in month format, visit this link. Additional information on each event can be found by clicking on the name.
Please note that not all events occurring in the building are listed on this calendar. All requests for use of space should be referred to our Building Manager, Byron Adams. To see all events in the church building, including non-church events, please click here.
Member Resources
Church Governance & Essential Documents
As a church with a congregational policy, the members of First Church are partners with the pastor and other staff in providing leadership to the church. Each commission at First Church is responsible for providing strategic direction on a specific area of church life. Current commissions are: Care of Parish, Christian Education, Facilities, Finance, Investment, Outreach & Membership, Social Action & Awareness, and Worship. Individuals may serve as a voting commission member, or if they are not members of the church, as a friend of a commission. In addition, individuals may participate as a volunteer in a particular project of the commission to which they are especially drawn. Commissions typically meet monthly.