Worshiping at 10:30AM on Sundays in person and via Zoom
First Church offers a hybrid worship experience, inviting members, friends, and guests to join us in the sanctuary at 10:30 every Sunday morning while also providing accessibility online by Zoom.
- Join our worship via Zoom by clicking on this link.
- To join Zoom worship by phone:
- Dial: +1-301-715-8592
- Meeting Number: 825-7319-0587
- Passcode: 1865
- Zoom has a “Joining a Meeting” how to guide to help you get started if this is your first time using Zoom, and please reach out if you have any questions.
No matter who you are…
if you identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight;
if you find yourself in a joyful season of life or a tragic one;
if you are street-smart or college educated;
if you are of Indigenous, African, Asian, Latin, or European descent;
if you identify as transgender, cisgender, or nonbinary;
if you are single or partnered;
if you seek a place to be your authentic self;
if you enjoy dressing casually or dress to the nines;
Or where you are on life’s journey…
if you have been harmed by the church or healed by the church;
if you’ve never walked through the sanctuary doors or you attend regularly;
if you love to hear the echo of a pipe organ and choir ringing in the air or find silence fulfilling;
if you believe science and faith are compatible;
if you ask difficult questions and do not seek easy answers;
if you don’t know exactly what you believe about God or Jesus;
if you hunger for a more just and joy-filled world;
if you imagine church as the place where we build the Beloved Community;
if you engage in spiritual practices or can’t remember the last time you prayed;
if you respect other religious traditions as companions in faith;
if you delight in inclusive and expansive language for God;
You are welcome into the shared experience of worshiping the God whose love knows no bounds.
As a beloved child of God;
Called to love your neighbor as you love yourself;
Longing to be caught up in something greater than yourself;
Worshiping the God whose names are many but summed up as Love.
What to Expect
Worship is central to our shared life together. In worship we follow a general order of worship that includes a call to worship reflection, hymns, unison prayer, passing the peace, scripture reading, a sermon, sharing joys and concerns, the Lord’s prayer, and a closing blessing. As a community with members who come from many different religious and non-religious backgrounds, our worship tends to appeal to those across a wide spectrum of worship styles. Our Director of Music Ministry leads music on our pipe organ or piano, and during the academic year, the First Church Choir sings an anthem. Our Associate Pastor sometimes offers a Children’s Moment early in the service, then the children transition to the Christian Education classrooms on the second floor for Sunday school. Our building is LEED certified and accessible to those with disabilities.
Above all, we value being an inclusive and justice-seeking church in the heart of the nation’s capital, and you will be welcomed in warmly. We invite guests to fill out a temporary nametag and a Visitor’s Card if they would like to stay connected to the life of our church.
The Sacraments of Communion & Baptism
The United Church of Christ affirms two sacraments—baptism and communion. Both are outer, visible practices that represent the deeper truth of God with us, God for us, God in us. We welcome you to share in these sacraments. At First Church we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month as our tables become an extension of God’s own. If you worship with us by Zoom we invite you to set your table with the elements of bread and cup which we will bless and break together. Gluten free bread and grape juice are always available during communion in the sanctuary. We often partake of communion by standing in the round, and all are welcome to the table, including children. We also respect those who wish not to take part.
We baptize infants, children, young people and adults, affirming God’s “Yes!” is upon us even before we acknowledge it. In our faith tradition, baptism provokes the paradox that we are chosen by God and also have the joy of choosing God. God’s grace is wide; it is a privilege to wade into the water with you.
Our congregation represents a broad spectrum of thought and embodied faith
As a community that values progressive theology, we value each one’s freedom of conscience, openness, inclusion, and a justice-seeking faith. When worshiping with us you can expect a strong sermonic reflection including solid biblical scholarship and liberating theological insights from diverse sources.
Find all of our recent services on our YouTube channel:
First Congregational UCC has a long history of excellent music tradition. Our music ministries offer impactful, worship-driven musical experiences for all. Whether it is the simplicity of a familiar hymn-tune, the transcendental effect of a beautiful choral anthem, or sublime vocal or instrumental sound, we believe music at First Church will enrich our individual and collective worship by heightening our connection with the divine. Our musical repertoire spans many genres and styles, including gospel and contemporary. The choir periodically presents choral masterworks including Pinkham’s Christmas Cantata in 2022 and Britten’s Ceremony of Carols in 2023.
Musicians of all ages and experiences are welcome to participate in the music ministry at First Church. If you play an instrument (including piano or organ) or sing, please join us. From student musicians to professionals, there is a place for you. For questions about the music program or for more information, please email the Church Office.