Worship With Us This Communion Sunday

Click here to worship with us on Sunday by Zoom at 10:30 AM as we celebrate communion and continue our stewardship theme, “Rooted in Love.” Under the leadership of Rev. Sam, our Middle School youth will serve as liturgists, leading our Call to Worship, prayer of confession, words of assurance and the reading of scripture from Mark 12:38-44. Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician, Rev. Amanda will preach, and the First Church Singers will provide a choral blessing. If you are joining us from home, please be sure to set your table with the elements of bread and cup, which we will bless together. We remain in Phase 3 of our regathering plan, with open sign-ups each Sunday for up to 25 people worshiping with us in the sanctuary while others join by Zoom. Click here to sign up; there’s still room for this and upcoming Sundays.

Following worship, please join us for fellowship–remain in the sanctuary to greet one another or join us for our Zoom coffee hour. The optional discussion question is: What good book are you reading?