Click here to worship with us on Sunday by Zoom at 10:30 AM as we mark Climate Justice Sunday with the Rev. Dr. David Lindsey serving as our guest preacher. Katherine Antos will offer a Call to Worship, David Greer will share a stewardship moment, and Rev. Sam will lead the service (Rev. Amanda will be out this Sunday). Myles Bohrer-Purnell will serve as our scripture reader with a focus text from Mark 13:1-8, and Dr. Karen Bartman will serve as our guest musician, with the First Church Singers providing a choral blessing. We remain in Phase 3 of our regathering plan, with open sign-ups each Sunday for up to 25 people worshiping with us in the sanctuary while others join by Zoom. Click here to sign up; there’s still room for this and upcoming Sundays.
Following worship, please join us for fellowship–remain in the sanctuary to greet one another or join us for our Zoom coffee hour. The optional discussion question is: Share a recent experience of gratitude for the earth.