Click here to join us on Thursday evening at 7:00 by Zoom for our Blue Christmas worship service as we lean into our faith’s ancient tradition of lament and healing. Rev. Sam will light the Advent candles, acknowledging the loved ones we remember and our humanity. Nora Marsh and David Greer will serve as our scripture readers, and personal testimonies will be provided by Olivia Hoynes, Dwan Reece, and Ellen Bushmiller. We will enjoy a musical offering from Andrew Hamilton and the Marsh Family Singers, and Rev. Laura Johnson will lead us in a prayer practice. Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician. Please take a moment to share this service with anyone in your life who might be experiencing grief, loss, challenges to their physical or mental health, and those in the struggle for peace and justice. All are welcome. If you plan to join us in the sanctuary, click here to sign up. Graham Marsh will serve as our sound and visual technician and Allison Truhlar will be our Zoom Moderator. Thank you to all who are making this service possible.