Click here to join us by Zoom at 10:30 on Sunday morning as we continue our Advent theme “Close to Home.” Priscilla Waters will light the candle of love. We will celebrate the baptism of Beatrice Heming. John Marsh will serve as our scripture reader with a focus text from the first chapter of Matthew (the story of Joseph), and Rev. Amanda will preach. The First Church choir will sing a live anthem in the sanctuary, “Keep Your Lamps,” and Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician. With full hearts overflowing with gratitude, we will offer a sending blessing for beloved long-time members of the church: Priscilla Waters and Carolyn & John Marsh. The choir will offer a live choral benediction. This Sunday we invite up to 50 people to worship with us in the sanctuary while others join by Zoom. Click here to sign up; there’s still room for this Sunday and our Christmas Eve services, which will both allow for up to 50 people in the sanctuary.