Click here to worship with us at 7:00 PM on Christmas Eve at our candlelight service by Zoom. The service will feature lessons and carols, a children’s moment, a Christmas slideshow, and beautiful musical offerings. It will end with the lighting of our own candles (which we will view in gallery mode), so please plan to have a candle with you from wherever you might join us. Our special offering will support Olaiya’s Cradle, an independent living program of Sasha Bruce for young mothers experiencing homelessness. As a reminder, due to the recent COVID-19 surge, this will be a virtual service for all. So get cozy, dress in red (or green or gold) if you would like, or sit by a crackling fire with some cocoa to take in this year’s Christmas Eve service. In Bethlehem is born the one who is for all, the light of the world, the hope of the ages, the healer of the nations, and God’s love unfolds once again. Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ!