Worship with Us this Communion Sunday

Click here to join us by Zoom at 10:30 this Sunday as we mark Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ as light and insight into our world. Liam Chaffee Hobbs will offer a call to worship from Howard Thurman, Brendon Leon will serve as our scripture reader with a focus text from Matthew 2 (the story of the Magi), and Rev. Amanda will preach on the theme “Home By Another Way.” We will enjoy a pre-recorded choral anthem, “Keep Your Lamps,” thanks to the leadership of Polly Gordon, and Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician. Rev. Sam and Rev. Amanda will preside over communion, so please be sure to set your table with the elements of bread and cup, which we will bless together. Due to a surge in COVID-19 infections locally, we have returned to Phase 2 of our regathering plan, meaning only staff and worship leaders may be present in the sanctuary. We ask all others to worship from home.