Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we explore the theme “Inclusive & Expansive.” Our outgoing Moderator, John Smeltzer, will lead us in the call to worship. Moira Jones and Lucille Dickinson will serve as our scripture readers with texts from Psalm 33:11-12 and Ephesians 3:1-6. Rev. Amanda will preach and lead us in prayer. Dr. Karen Bartman will serve as our guest musician, and we will enjoy a choral anthem and benediction.
Following worship, please join us for our annual congregational meeting, which will take place on the same Zoom link about 10 minutes after worship ends. Agenda items include: a vote on a unanimous motion by Council to hire Leela Koilpillai as our new Director of Music Ministry; a vote to approve the 2022 budget, and a vote to elect officers, Council, and commission members for 2022. Please join us in conducting the important business of the church! Your voice and participation are valued.