Worship with Us this Sunday
Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30. Youth who participated in the recent retreat in Richmond with Rev. Sam will lead us in the call to worship, prayer of confession, and words of assurance. Nora Marsh and Diane Brenneman will serve as our scripture readers with texts from 1 Corinthians 9:6-10 and John 2:1-11 (turning water into wine). Rev. Amanda will preach on the spiritual practice of receiving the miraculous. Rev. Sam and Rev. Amanda will co-lead prayers of the people. Dr. Karen Bartman will serve as our guest musician, and we will enjoy a special musical offering and choral benediction.
Following worship please join us (on the same Zoom link as worship) for a nurture program on Reproductive Justice featuring these panelists: the Rev. Barbara Gerlach, who will share the story of her involvement with the Clergy Consultation Service prior to Roe v. Wade; Essence Ellis (she/they), who will ground the concept of reproductive justice in the intersection of racial, economic, and LGBTQ+ justice; the Rev. Kaeley McEvoy, who will share her own story and faith perspective; and Sandy Sorenson, who will provide a legislative update and action alerts. Rev. Amanda will facilitate a time of Q & A. Please note this program, which we anticipate beginning around 11:45, will be recorded and available for viewing later. Join us!