Worship with us this Sunday
Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we launch our theme for Black History Month, “The Sound of the Genuine,” a concept authored by the late Howard Thurman. Peter Byrne will lead us in the call to worship. Rev. Sam will lead the prayer of confession and words of assurance, adapted from Howard Thurman. Andrew Hamilton and Hannah Long-Higgins will serve as our scripture readers with texts from 1 Kings 17:8-16 (widow of Zarephath) and Luke 4:16-27 (Jesus reads from the scroll). Rev. Amanda will preach on the theme of prophets being unwelcome in their hometowns. We will enjoy a pre-recorded choral anthem and Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician. Rev. Sam and Rev. Amanda will preside over communion, so please be sure to set your table with the elements of bread and cup, which we will bless and break together. We remain in Phase 2 of our regathering plan, meaning we welcome staff and worship leaders to be present in the sanctuary and ask others to join us virtually.
Following worship, please join us for our Zoom coffee hour, a time of fellowship with one another.