Worship with Us this Sunday
Click here to worship with us by Zoom this Sunday at 10:30 as we celebrate the baptism of Xavi Saudek. Lynaya Morris will lead the call to worship as we draw to a close our Black History Month theme, Howard Thurman’s “Sound of the Genuine.” The Rev. David Lindsey will serve as our scripture reader with a text from Judges 2:10-23. The Rev. Dr. Sherry Molock, founding co-pastor of Beloved Community UCC in Maryland, will serve as our guest preacher, and Rev. Sam and Rev. Amanda will lead the prayers of the people. Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician, and we will enjoy a choral anthem under the direction of Polly Gordon.
Please note that we are moving into Phase Orange of our COVID Safety Plan, allowing for hybrid worship with up to 50 people present in the sanctuary, masking and distancing required. Click here to sign up to worship with us in person. The Saudek family, which includes young children not yet eligible for vaccination, has requested that Xavi’s baptism be streamed live from the chapel, so this will truly be a hybrid service. Thank you for your understanding as we find new ways to live into sacraments of old.
Following worship, please join us for Zoom coffee hour if you are joining us virtually.