Worship with us on Easter Sunday: April 17
Click here to worship with us by Zoom at 10:30 on Easter Sunday or click here to sign-up to worship with us in the sanctuary as we celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave with the new life of resurrection. Dwan Reece and Dennis Turner will open our service musically and Lynaya Morris will serve as our liturgist. Rev. Sam will invite our children and youth forward to help flower the cross. Lindsay Swisher and Lucille Dickinson will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Genesis 1-2 and the gospel of Matthew’s account of Jesus’ resurrection, and Rev. Amanda will preach. We will be blessed by the gorgeous music of our church choir. Our celebration will culminate in the joyous feast of communion, so if you are joining us from home, please set your worship tables with the elements of bread and cup, which we will bless and break together. All are welcome, so please do invite friends and family! Following worship, we will enjoy an outdoor coffee hour (as well as a Zoom coffee hour), and all are invited to attend an afternoon egg hunt in Garfield Park at 1:00. Join us!