Worship with us this Communion Sunday
Click here to join us by Zoom or click here to sign up to worship with us in the sanctuary this communion Sunday as we continue our theme, “Embodied Faith.” Nick McConnell will lead our prayer of confession and offer words of assurance. Andrew Hamilton and Polly Gordon will serve as scripture readers with texts from Deuteronomy 5:11-22 (Ten Commandments) and Romans 13:8-10 (love fulfills the law). Rev. Amanda will preach and lead communion with Rev. Sam. The choir will sing the anthem “Spirit of Jesus if I Love My Neighbor,” and Catherine Pruett will serve as our guest musician. For those joining us from home, please prepare your tables with the elements of bread and cup which we will bless and break together. Following worship, join us for a hybrid nurture reflecting on the Lenten Book Circle experience; it will take place in the chapel as well as by Zoom.