Worship with us this Pride Sunday
Click here to join us by Zoom or click here to sign up to worship with us in the sanctuary this Pride Sunday as we explore the worship theme, “Faces of our Faith.” Nick Benton will lead our call to worship with a personal reflection. Garnell Yarbrough and Allison Truhlar will serve as our scripture readers as they read from Acts 8, the story of the Ethiopian eunuch, and Rev. Amanda will preach. The choir will sing the anthem, “There is Joy in the Morning!” and our Director of Music Ministry, Leela Koilpillai, will lead us in music throughout the service. On this Second Sunday of the month, our special offering will support Sasha Bruce Youthwork, with whom we partner to offer our weekly Drop-in Center. We invite your generous contributions. We will also share in prayers of the people together, along with a unison prayer written by Archbishop Demsond Tutu. Join us!