Worship with us this Sunday, July 24th
Click here to join us by Zoom or click here to sign up to worship with us in the sanctuary this Sunday as we continue our theme, “Faces of our Faith”, as we look to Deborah as a model leader, and reflect upon how God calls us to lead. The children and youth will offer a Call to Worship Liturgy. Nan and Nick McConnell will be our scripture readers from the Psalms and Judges. Rev. Sam will serve as our preacher. We also will be graced with beautiful music. Eric and Robin Olson will be leading us in “What a Wonderful World”. Katie Koza will be playing the postlude on the fiddle. Rev. Sam will lead worship, including the prayers of the people, as Rev. Amanda is away on vacation. This should be a beautiful service. Whether in person or zoom, we would be delighted if you could join us.