Worship with us this Communion Sunday
Click here to join us by Zoom or click here to sign up to worship with us in the sanctuary this communion Sunday as we continue our summer theme, “Faces of our Faith.” Nora Marsh will lead us in the prayer of confession and words of assurance. Susan Anderson and Katie Koza will serve as our scripture readers with a responsive reading of Psalm 30 and our primary text from Luke 23 (thief on the cross). Rev. Kaeley McEvoy will preach a sermon entitled, “A Paradise in Hell.” Special music will be provided by Andrew Hamilton, Nora Marsh, and Katie Koza, collaborating with Leela Koilpillai. Rev. Sam and Rev. Kaeley will offer communion for all. For those joining us from home, please prepare your tables with the elements of bread and cup which we will bless and break together.