Click here to join us by Zoom or click here to sign up to worship with us in the sanctuary this Homecoming Sunday as we celebrate the baptism of Robin Skye Truhlar-Laing and welcome old friends and new faces through our doors. The Gabrieli Brass Quintet, organized by Robin Olson, will provide special music as we welcome the return of the First Church Choir, directed by Leela Koilpillai. Eric Olson and Diane Brenneman will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Psalm 71 and Mark 7:14-23. Rev. Amanda will preach.
We also welcome our children back to Sunday school classes, organized and led by Rev. Sam and a committed group of Sunday school teachers. This will take place in person.
Following worship, join us for an ice cream social organized by Care of Parish in Franklin Park, less than a half mile down the road. We look forward to your participation in this special Sunday back at First Church!