Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary (friends, you no longer need to sign up in advance) or click here to join us by Zoom as we continue our stewardship theme, “What Gift Can We Bring?” Chris Byrne will offer a moment for stewardship and Rev. Sam will lead a time with our children. Susan Goodman and Anthony Leonard will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Psalm 90 and John 7. Rev. Amanda will preach, and the First Church choir will sing the anthem “Holy Art Thou.” We will enjoy a moment for Faith and Democracy provided by the Rev. Matt Braddock, and share in the prayers of the people as well as a unison prayer from Julian of Norwich. Join us!
Rev. Sam and our Sunday school teaching team will offer Sunday school for our children following the passing of the peace in the Christian Education suite.
Following worship, join us outdoors or on Zoom for coffee and fellowship, followed by our Fall Congregational Meeting led by moderator Susan Anderson. This will be a hybrid meeting taking place both in the sanctuary and on Zoom.