Worship with us this All Saints Sunday: Bring Photographs of Beloved Departed Ones
Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we mark All Saints Sunday. For those joining us in person, please place a photograph of a beloved departed one on our worship table near a votive candle before the prelude begins; for those joining us by Zoom please prepare your table at home with a photograph and candle. Diane Brenneman will offer a moment for stewardship, reflecting on our theme, “What Gift Can We Bring?” Ann Bushmiller will lead us in a responsive reading of Isaiah 25 and Mike Zawada will read from Matthew 27:50-56. Rev. Amanda will preach. The First Church Choir will sing “Sometimes I feel like a Motherless Child.” Rev. Amanda and Rev. Sam will lead us in remembering those who have gone before us; speaking names, tolling a bell and lighting votives. The First Church Choir will offer “Lacrimosa” from Mozart’s Requiem. Join us.
Rev. Sam and our Sunday school teaching team will offer Sunday school for our children.
Following worship, join us outdoors for an ice cream social hosted by Care of Parish. We also invite newcomers to attend the Inquirer’s Gathering taking place in the chapel on the second floor (and by Zoom). Josh Blum of Sasha Bruce Youthwork will also offer a training for those interested in volunteering at our Drop-In Center in the community hall. Both of these offerings will begin about 15 minutes after the end of worship.