As we consider the stewardship theme, “What Gift Can We Bring,” we invite you to prayerfully discern how you will give of your gifts of time, talent, testimony, and treasure to support our ministries in 2023. Perhaps you have heard or read some of the stewardship testimonies that have been shared both in worship and through email. To learn more about how our budget will empower us to accomplish our shared mission and respond to God’s call for this community in 2023, please take the time to read our Narrative Budget and stewardship co-chair Nick McConnell’s stewardship letter. Then, complete your commitment card by clicking here or placing your hard copy of the card in the offering plate. This year, the commitment card contains the opportunity to make a financial pledge but also to indicate how you wish to give of your time, talents, and testimony. Please complete both sides and submit it by or on Commitment Sunday: November 20.