Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we mark Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday. Diane Brenneman will lead us in the prayer of confession and words of assurance. Rev. Sam will offer a time with our children. Rev. Laura Johnson and LaTayna Purnell will serve as scripture readers with focus texts from Isaiah 49:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. Joseph Darling-LaGamma and Myles Bohrer-Purnell will read the words of Dr. King, and we will receive testimonies on antiracism from Gail Sonnemann, who serves on our antiracism team, and Joe Mills, who serves on our sanctuary team. The First Church choir will sing the anthem “Precious Lord,” under the direction of Leela Koilpillai, and Ron Yoder will offer special music with “Deep River.” We will also share in the prayers of the people, led by Rev. Amanda. Join us!
Children are invited to begin worship in the sanctuary and will transition to Sunday School in the Christian Education suite after the passing of the peace in worship. Please note we will not have coffee hour after worship due to it being a holiday weekend; coffee hour will resume in the community hall next Sunday.