Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom for worship this Sunday. Moderator Susan Anderson will lead the Call to Worship and renewal of our covenant. Rev. Sam will offer a time with children. Our scripture readings will come from Matthew 4:12-23 (fishers of people) and 1 Corinthians 1:10-18. The First Church choir will sing the anthem “Prayer of Saint Francis.” Rev. Amanda will preach. We will also offer the prayers of the people. Join us!
Children will begin the morning in worship and, following Rev. Sam’s children’s moment and the passing of the peace, will move up to the Christian Education suite for Sunday school.
Following worship, join us for a brief fellowship time over coffee up in the Community Hall, then return to the sanctuary for our Annual Meeting led by Moderator Susan Anderson and Assistant Moderator Andrew Hamilton, where we will vote on the budget for 2023, report on the follow-up to our Racial Justice Audit, and bless our new slate of leaders.