Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we celebrate Juneteenth Sunday and our final Sunday with the choir before summer. Peter Byrne will lead us in the prayer of confession and words of assurance. Rev. Sam will offer a commissioning blessing for the youth before they depart next week for a service project in Appalachia. Jessica and Liam Chaffee-Hobbs will serve as scripture readers along with Rev. Laura Simmons, with focus texts from Genesis 18:1-15 (Sarah laughs) and Romans 5:1-8 (sufferings produce endurance). The First Church Choir will sing the anthem, “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” and Rev. Amanda will preach. Our music, rooted in the African American tradition, will include spirituals. We will also share in prayers of the people. Join us!