Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Homecoming Sunday as we kick-off a new year of Sunday school for our children and youth, celebrate the return of the choir, and enjoy a potluck community meal following worship. The Gabrieli Brass Quintet will provide special music. Sandy Sorensen will call us to worship by reflecting on our fall worship theme “Renewing the Journey.” Rev. Sam will offer a warm children’s moment. Thaddaeus Elliott and Meg Maguire will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Matthew 18:18-20 (wherever two or three are gathered) and Romans 13:8-12a (love fulfills the law). Rev. Amanda will preach a sermon entitled “Slow Church.” The First Church Choir will sing Rollo Dilworth’s anthem “I Sing Because I’m Happy” under the direction of Leela Koilpillai, Director of Music Ministry. On this second Sunday of the month we will introduce our special offering recipient, Tommy’s Pantry. We will also share in the prayers of the people. Join us!