Join us at 10:30 on Sunday morning in the sanctuary or on Zoom for worship. Rev. Sydney Avent will call us to worship with a stewardship testimony reflecting on the theme, “Because of You, our Church Changes Lives.” Rev. Sam will share a message with our children. Nan McConnell will serve as our scripture reader with focus texts from Exodus 33:12-23 (Moses hides in the cleft) and Matthew 22:15-22 (Giving to Caesar and God). Rev. Amanda will preach the sermon. The choir will sing the anthem, “How Glorious is Your Name, O Lord.” We will also share in the prayers of the people.

Our children will begin the Sunday in worship with us in the sanctuary. Following the passing of the peace they will move upstairs to the Christian Education suite for Sunday school with Rev. Sam, featuring music with Dennis Turner this week!


Following worship, join us for coffee and fellowship followed by our Fall Congregational Meeting led by Moderator, Andrew Hamilton. We will discuss the 2024 asking budget, our antiracism goals, and affirm our nominations committee. Hope to see you there!