Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom on this communion Sunday as we continue our theme “Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives.” Meg Maguire will call us to worship with a stewardship testimony. Andrew Hamilton will lead us in the prayer of confession and words of assurance. The First Church Choir will sing the anthem “Cantate Domino” under the direction of Leela Koilpillai. David Greer will lead a responsive reading of Psalm 107; LaTayna Purnell will serve as a scripture reader with a focus text from Matthew 23:1-8, 11-12 (greatest is servant). Rev. Amanda will preach the sermon. Rev. Sam and Rev. Amanda will lead us as we celebrate the ancient feast of communion. For those joining us from home, please take the time to prepare your table with the sacred elements of bread and cup, which we will bless and break together. We also welcome special musician Amy Domingues on the viola da gamba.