Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom on this Commitment Sunday as we draw our stewardship campaign to a close. The Gabrieli Quintet will provide beautiful music. The Rev. Laura Simmons will reflect on our theme “Because of You, Our Church Changes” lives as a stewardship testimony. Special guest Rev. LaShauna Austria will provide an invocation and serve as our scripture reader with a focus text from Matthew 25:1-13 (parable of the bridesmaids). John Smeltzer will lead us in a responsive reading of Psalm 78:1-7, including a sung response. Rev. Amanda will preach. The First Church Choir will sing the anthem, “Our God is a Rock.” We will invite the bringing forward of commitment cards and colorful cards (to symbolize commitments already made) to the worship table. Rev. LaShauna and Rev. Amanda will offer blessings to anyone who wishes to receive, and then we will bless the commitments and lead the prayer of our Savior. Join us!