First Church Christmas Toy Drive

First Church is excited to provide some Christmas cheer to DC children in seventh annual Christmas Toy and Gift Drive. We will collect funds, toys and gifts for Washington families. Below are many exciting ways for you to support this toy drive. Please let Rev. Sam know of your contributions so that he can keep track of our progress to each goal! We are grateful for First Church’s generous support!

We will support three wonderful partners:
1) Shaw Community Center (SCC) – This UCC ministry provides tutoring, mentoring and support to youth in the Shaw neighborhood in DC. Our goal is to raise $650 to enable the executive director to purchase the perfect gifts for each youth. To support this cause, please send a check or donate via PayPal or Vanco to First Church with “SCC” in the note.

2) A Wider Circle – this national leader in helping reduce poverty provides over 10,000 gifts to children in DC public housing. The easiest way to support this cause is to purchase gifts from their Wish List. Our goal is to purchase 125 gifts toward this cause. Please email Rev. Sam to let us know of your gifts so we can keep the tally going. You can either have them delivered directly to A Wider Circle via the Wish List or bring them to church on Sunday and place them in the Toy Drive box.

3) We will also continue to buy gifts for the children of three families that we have supported over recent years. We hope to have two church sponsors per family. If you’d like to be a church sponsor, Rev. Sam can email you the gift list. (