Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this first Sunday in Lent, as we begin our forty day wilderness journey toward the cross. Lent is a season, in the words of Cole Arthur Riley, “when we refuse to look away from the suffering of the world.” It is a time of preparing our hearts to receive the mystery of resurrection at Easter. Rev. Laura Simmons will reflect on our Lenten theme this year, “Written on the Heart” as our Lenten Candle Liturgist. The First Church Choir will sing the anthem “Prayer of Saint Francis.” Brendan McFerran and Abby Johnson will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Genesis 9:8-16 (rainbow covenant) and Mark 1:9-15 (baptism and temptation of Jesus). Rev. Amanda will preach. We will also join in the prayers of the people together. Join us!

Due to the President’s Day weekend, there will be no Sunday school, though we welcome our children to join us in the sanctuary for worship.
Following worship, join us in the narthex for coffee and fellowship, hosted by Susan, Tony, and Ann Saudek and Joe Mills.