Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this second Sunday in Lent, as we continue our forty day journey toward the cross. Abigail Cipparone and Michael Hopkins will reflect on our Lenten theme, “Written on the Heart” as our Lenten Candle Liturgists. Rev. Sam will offer a time with our children. The First Church Choir will sing the anthem “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” Jaimie Orr will serve as our scripture reader with a focus text from Psalm 22:23-31. The Rev. Mia McClain will serve as our guest preacher, also offering special music with her original piece “God Will Meet You There.” We will also share in the prayers of the people. Join us!

Image credit: “Written on our Hearts” by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman/A Sanctified Art LLC