Join us in the sanctuary at 10:30 on Easter Sunday or click here to join us by Zoom as we celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave and the new life of resurrection! We are grateful to welcome back the Gabrieli Brass Quintet. Rev. Laura Simmons will serve as our liturgist. Rev. Sam will invite our children and youth forward to help flower the cross. The First Church Choir will sing the anthem, “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing,” under the direction of Leela Koilpillai with Dennis Turner as accompanist. Abby Johnson and Rev. Jason Carson Wilson will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Mark 16:1-8 (resurrection of Jesus) and 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (Christ appeared also to me). Rev. Amanda will preach. We will also share in the prayers of the people. Join us for a service of celebration and joy!