
What a glorious Easter we had last week!  It was so wonderful to see so many of you for our beautiful worship service and then to celebrate our community with the exquisite pancake breakfast and the super fun Easter Egg hunt.

We so hope you can join us this Sunday for a special service led by our Young Adults who will reflect upon what it means to feel God’s presence by exploring the stories of Doubting Thomas and the Road to Emmaus.

The Young Adults will share their gifts in so many ways during this service.  Grace Campbell will lead us in a poem by John O’Donohue.  Sarah McKinnis and Thaddaeus Elliott will be our scripture leaders.  Michael Enseki-Frank and Erin Williams will offer reflections about their own faith.  Casey Liz Capsambelis will sing a solo of “Come My Way, My Life, My Truth” by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Rev. Sam and Rev. Sydeny Avent will draw the circle wide as we celebrate the sacrament of Communion.  If you are worshipping us via Zoom, we invite you to prepare your own table with the elements of cup and bread.  The service will be tied together by our wonderful music director, Leela Koilpillai on the piano.

Join worship this Sunday via Zoom by clicking here. The Worship Folder for this week is available here online.

We hope you can join us for a meaningful service of worship, prayer, and genuine reflection.  And if you are not able to join us, we wish you a wonderful weekend of Spring flowers, sunshine and joy.  We are grateful that you are part of the First Church family.

Rev. Sam McFerran

Featured artwork: “The Road to Emmaus” by James He Qi (permission granted)