Wear red and join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as our children and youth lead worship on this Pentecost Sunday under the leadership of Rev. Sam McFerran. Beatriz Saudek will begin the service by playing the violin as a prelude, so don’t be late! Dennis Turner will serve as our guest musician, leading the children in the songs, “Every time I feel the Spirit,” and “People Get Ready.” MJ Thayer, Simon Hendler-Voss, and Wallace Goodfellow-Mills will share poetry adapted from Shel Silverstein. Ryan McFerran, Greta McCaffrey, and Beatriz Saudek will act out a Reader’s Theater modern-day telling of the story of Pentecost from Acts 2:1-13, and Rev. Sam will preach. Rev. Amanda will lead us in prayers of the people, and we will recognize our Sunday School and Our Whole Lives teachers. Rev. Sam and Ryan McFerran will offer a postlude on trumpet. Join us as we draw our Christian Education year to a close and celebrate the faith formation of our children and youth with this joy-filled service of worship!