Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday as we welcome the Rev. Laura Simmons into the pulpit and continue our summer theme, “Sowing the Seeds.” Thaddaeus Elliott will call us to worship with a reflection. Rev. Sam will invite our children forward for a blessing of the backpacks. Casey Capsambelis will provide special music with Dr. Karen Bartman accompanying on piano (please note this is Dr. Bartman’s last Sunday with us this summer; be sure to offer your thanks for the blessing of her musical gifts!). Polly Gordon and Brendan McFerran will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from John 6:56-69 and Ephesians 6:10-20 (whole armor of God). Rev. Laura will preach. Seminary intern Chandra DeNap Whetstine will lead us in the prayers of the people. Join us!