Cries, Comfort, Courage Too Deep For Word:
The Persistance of Refugees, Displaced Communities, and Immigrants
Barbara Gerlach shares the following about her upcoming art show at First Church, running from September 1 through October 20 with a special opening on September 8, Homecoming Sunday: “The attack of Hamas on Israelis on October 7, 2023, followed by war in Gaza that has killed 40,000 Palestinians, catapulted me back into my art to complete paintings I’ve been working on for decades. They are meditations on human suffering, struggle, and survival in the wake of war and disaster. They are my way of entering into the plight and persistence of refugees, immigrants, communities displaced by violence, poverty and climate change, and the courage and strength of women and children caught in the crossfire who find the capacity to carry on—to comfort and care for each other, creating community out of chaos and destruction.”
Shown above is Barbara’s work “School Girls, Sudan”