All Saints Worship: Bring Photographs and VOTE-ives
Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we mark All Saints Sunday and celebrate communion. For those joining us in person, please place a photograph of a beloved departed one on our worship table, we also welcome the return of your VOTE-ive candles used for the 40 Days of Prayer initiative so we can witness a sea of lights representing our hopes for this time in our nation’s history. These items can be placed on the worship table before or during the prelude or during the passing of the peace. Abby Goodman-Johnson will offer a moment for stewardship, reflecting on our theme, “Imagine Together.” Patrick Darling-LaGamma will lead us in a prayer of confession and offer words of assurance. Abigail Cipparone and Michael Hopkins will provide a musical offering of John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Our focus text comes from Ruth 1:1-18, and Rev. Amanda will preach. Rev. Amanda and Rev. Sam will lead us in remembering those who have gone before us, especially that great cloud of witnesses who fought for voting and civil rights; speaking names and tolling a bell as part of our communion liturgy. If you are joining us from home, please take the time to prepare your table with the sacred elements of bread and cup, which we will bless and break together. Join us.