Come and be in community with us this Sunday. Join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom for worship this Sunday as we continue our theme, “Imagine Together.” Thaddaeus Elliott will call us to worship with a moment for stewardship. Rev. Sam will offer an invocation. Abby Goodman-Johnson and Andrew Hamilton will serve as our scripture readers with focus texts from Psalm 146 (do not trust in nobles and mortals) and Mark 12:38-44 (widow’s mite). Rev. Amanda will preach. The First Church Choir will sing the anthem, “May the Angels of God Watch Over You” under the direction of Dennis Turner. Chandra DeNap Whetstine will lead us in prayers of the people. Join us!
Our children will begin the morning in worship with us in the sanctuary. Following the passing of the peace, they will go to the Christian Education suite for Sunday school with Rev. Sam. Following worship, join us in the narthex for coffee and community. Then, at noon, all are invited to join a sermon talk-back and community conversation with Rev. Amanda, facilitated by the Rev. Barbara Gerlach, in the Community Hall. This will be a hybrid program both in person and on the same Zoom call as worship.