Stewardship Reflection from Erin Williams

Stewardship Reflection from Erin Williams

I give to First Church because it’s the one truly safe, warm, and peaceful place I can escape to amid the myriad storms that come with existing in Washington, DC in 2024. I didn’t grow up in a church, but when I was thinking about maybe, possibly exploring what faith communities DC had to offer, I...

Worship with us this Commitment & New Member Sunday

Worship with us this Commitment & New Member Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom on this Commitment Sunday as we draw our stewardship season to a close and welcome five new members into the life of First Church. Chandra DeNap Whetstine will call us to worship with a reflection on the theme, “Imagine Together.” Beatriz Suadek...

Stewardship Reflection from Karen Tramontano

Stewardship Reflection from Karen Tramontano

All of us have had challenging times in our lives – this year for me has been among the most challenging. As you many of you know, I lost one of my closest friends this year and it was very sudden.  As Debra learned of her illness and its gravity she leaned on the Church,...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Come and be in community with us this Sunday. Join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom for worship this Sunday as we continue our theme, “Imagine Together.” Thaddaeus Elliott will call us to worship with a moment for stewardship. Rev. Sam will offer an invocation. Abby Goodman-Johnson and Andrew Hamilton...

Worship with us this All Saints Sunday

Worship with us this All Saints Sunday

All Saints Worship: Bring Photographs and VOTE-ives Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we mark All Saints Sunday and celebrate communion. For those joining us in person, please place a photograph of a beloved departed one on our worship table, we also welcome the return of your...

Stewardship reflection from Michael Enseki-Frank

Stewardship reflection from Michael Enseki-Frank

  Dear Friends, Talking about what truly matters in life can sometimes feel challenging. One of the blessings of being part of First Church is that we share a space where we can speak openly and sincerely about our joys and sorrows. Here, we are connected by a shared language and can draw upon symbols...

Stewardship reflection from Fredda Sparks

Stewardship reflection from Fredda Sparks

  Why will I support the church this year? I could tell you about how much attending worship, serving on various commissions, learning from so many wise folks, and making deep friendships has meant to me over the last twenty-five years.  All true.  And all good reasons to continue my support. But what about now?  ...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom for worship this Sunday as we continue our theme, “Imagine Together.” Kim Darling will call us to worship with a moment for stewardship. Polly Gordon will lead us in a responsive reading of Psalm 34:1-8, including a sung refrain. Abby Goodman-Johnson will...

Worship with us this Stewardship Sunday

Worship with us this Stewardship Sunday

Join us at 10:30am in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom on this Stewardship Sunday as we launch the season’s theme, “Imagine Together,” and welcome the Rev. Dr. Velda Love as our guest preacher. Peter Byrne will call us to worship with a moment for stewardship. Rev. Sam will share a message with...

Fall Congregational Meeting: Sunday, October 20

Fall Congregational Meeting: Sunday, October 20

Please join us for the Fall Congregational Meeting at noon on Sunday, October 20, following the regular worship service. This will be a hybrid meeting with both Sanctuary and Zoom attendees. One key item will be an update from our Director of Music Ministry Search Committee. We will also have a year-to-date budget update.  ...