Worship with us this Indigenous Peoples Sunday

Worship with us this Indigenous Peoples Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we celebrate the baptism of Simon Hendler-Voss and mark Indigenous Peoples Sunday, concluding our fall theme, “Choose This Day.” Hannah Long-Higgins will call us to worship by leading us in a land acknowledgement. Simon will be baptized by Rev. Amanda and Rev....

Worship with us this World Communion Sunday

Worship with us this World Communion Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we celebrate World Communion Sunday and continue our fall theme, “Choose This Day.” Chandra DeNap Whetstine will lead us in a prayer of confession and offer words of assurance. Andrew Hamilton, Nora Marsh, and Dwan Reece will offer special music. LaTayna Purnell and Michael Enseki-Frank will serve...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday for worship as we welcome musical guests, the Relic quartet. Peter Tracey will call us to worship with a reflection on our fall theme, “Choose This Day.” Rev. Sam will share a time with our children. We will enjoy special music from...

Worship with us this Faith & Democracy Sunday

Worship with us this Faith & Democracy Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom for worship on this Faith & Democracy Sunday. Sandy Sorensen will call us to worship with a reflection on our fall theme, “Choose This Day.” Three of our youth will reflect on democracy with the support of Rev. Sam. The First Church Choir...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday for worship. Nick McConnell will call us to worship with a reflection on our fall theme, “Choose This Day.” Rev. Sam will share a time with our children. We will enjoy special music from the Witness & Wonder Collective (Casey...

Barbara Gerlach Art Show: Through October 20

Barbara Gerlach Art Show: Through October 20

Cries, Comfort, Courage Too Deep For Word: The Persistance of Refugees, Displaced Communities, and Immigrants Barbara Gerlach shares the following about her upcoming art show at First Church, running from September 1 through October 20 with a special opening on September 8, Homecoming Sunday: “The attack of Hamas on Israelis on October 7, 2023, followed...

Worship with us this Homecoming Sunday

Worship with us this Homecoming Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Homecoming Sunday as we greet old friends and welcome new faces to worship together. Special musicians will include Katie Koza on violin and the Gabrieli Brass Quintet. Chandra DeNap Whetstine, our seminary intern, will call us to worship with a reflection...

Worship with us this Labor Justice Sunday

Worship with us this Labor Justice Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday as we welcome Tanya Wallace-Gobern as our preacher on this Labor Justice in the Pulpit and celebrate communion. Dennis Turner will serve as our Designated Musician. Rev. Sam will lead us in a litany for labor justice and...

Worship with us this Sunday

Worship with us this Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom this Sunday as we welcome the Rev. Laura Simmons into the pulpit and continue our summer theme, “Sowing the Seeds.” Thaddaeus Elliott will call us to worship with a reflection. Rev. Sam will invite our children forward for a blessing of the...

Homecoming Sunday: September 8

Homecoming Sunday: September 8

Come home to First Church on Sunday, September 8th for our kick-off of the fall season. The choir will return under the direction of Dennis Turner, our worship service will feature special music from Katie Koza, and our children’s Sunday school season will launch under the leadership of Rev. Sam McFerran. Our fall worship theme...