Worship with us this Baptism Sunday

Worship with us this Baptism Sunday

Join us at 10:30 in the sanctuary or click here to join us by Zoom as we celebrate the baptism of Echo Evangeline Zawada. Thaddaeus Elliott will offer a personal reflection to call us to worship. The Olson family will provide special music, singing “We Shall Not Be Moved.” LaTayna Purnell and Robin Olson will serve as...

First Church Seeks a Director of Music Ministry

First Church Seeks a Director of Music Ministry

Our thriving, justice-seeking congregation in the heart of the nation’s capital seeks a Director of Music Ministry to expand our range of sacred music and styles. For more information about the position please see the job description here.   Applicants should submit materials including a resume, cover letter, a short video recording of you conducting/performing, and two...

“Speaking Their Names” A Film about the Hidden History of First Church

“Speaking Their Names” A Film about the Hidden History of First Church

Hannah Long-Higgins’ film “Speaking Their Names: Remembering the Enslaved People Who Worked This Land,” beautifully shows the historic All Saints worship service at First Church in October 2023. This 13 minute film features excerpts from Dr. Renee K. Harrison’s sermon and interviews with Meg Maguire, Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, and Antonio Austin, the Howard University Ph.D. student whose research uncovered the names of the enslaved...

Report on Slavery on G Street

Report on Slavery on G Street

To celebrate the 150th Anniversary of First Congregational United Church of Christ (FCC), we invited Dr. Renee K. Harrison to deliver the keynote address on March 7, 2015. Her presentation, Hidden Histories: Honoring Those Who Helped in Building a Just and Loving Community, challenged us to look at the history of our land and its...

Develop a Spiritual Practice — Meditate with Us

Develop a Spiritual Practice — Meditate with Us

From Nora Marsh: For the past few years, I have had a regular spiritual (non-religious) practice of participating in our Wednesday 12:15-12:45 PM meditation group.  We met in person prior to the pandemic and then met on Zoom. Now we are meeting on a hybrid basis, both in person and on Zoom. We do a...